As our Archbishops have requested, we at St Stephens will continue to ensure that our building will remain open as a place of prayer for the parish and its people. However, all the groups and activities which use the main church building will cease until further notice.
Whilst we will continue to maintain the ancient pattern of Morning and Evening Prayer (Mon-Sat), our main Sunday 10am Family Eucharist will be recorded on a Sunday, with a view to streaming it on our website for our congregation to view and pray with at home.
Regular services at St Stephen's
8:00am - Holy Communion (BCP)
A quiet, reflective service, based on the 1662 prayer book
10.00am - Parish Eucharist - Live on Zoom
This is the main service of the day and includes Junior Church for children
6:00pm - Evensong (BCP) - Live on Zoom
This service is based on the 1662 Evensong service and includes a sermon
Monday - Friday
9.15am - Morning Prayer
6.00pm - Evening Prayer
Morning and Evening prayer are said in the Tennant Chapel inside the church